Pickleball is a game where you use paddles that are bigger than table tennis balls, but smaller than tennis rackets. These paddles can be made of various materials, such as wood, plastic, carbon fibre, and more. The game is played with a plastic ball with holes, similar in size to a baseball.
Whether you play by yourself (singles) or in pairs on each side of the court (doubles), the playing area is about half the size of a regular tennis court. In the centre of the court is an 86-centimetre-high net.
Avoid big swings
Novice pickleball players, especially those with tennis experience, tend towards big back swings, but on the small court and with resilient balls, this is counterproductive. Make short strokes and control ball direction. With growing skills, you will eventually hit faster, but a big backswing is still not necessary.
In pickleball, it is quite normal for experienced players to take the newcomers under their wings.
Take your time and space to master the game rules and techniques at your own pace!
Have fun playing!